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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Blog - What is this?

What? Your blogging? LMAO!! That was my first reaction to me blogging, but here goes. This blog will be an ongoing adventure to fish every lake in California. Since I've already fished a few of the lakes in No Cal, the first few posts will be of lakes we have hit in the last couple of years. When I say we, I refer to my wonderful girlfriend Amy, who loves the outdoors and being on the water. Without her support, this wouldn't be a viable endeavor to accomplish. Also, my good friend, fishin partner and poker buddy Scott, will be included. Scott and I put alot of time on the water learning by trial and error, and the virtual poker felt (again by trial and error) and share many memories.

With 175+ lakes in California, this will be a daunting but very enjoyable endeavor!! Since we live in No Cal, those lakes will be the first to fall. So Cal will be quite a bit more difficult, but let's see how it shakes out!!

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